
Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Mesin Waktu (Time Machine)

It’s been an honour for me to take pictures of my friend’s poems book. Meitha KH wrote a poems book entitled “Mesin Waktu” (Time Machine). “Mesin Waktu (Time Machine)” is an anthology of 49 poems written between 2002 – 2012. Meitha KH is well-knowned as a presenter at MQTV and a writer for several articles and publications. We can read more about her on her blog at :
Soni Farid Maulana, who wrote the “Mesin Waktu” introduction, told that Meitha’s poems were talking about love in socio-religious and even more, in mystical-religious point-of-view. Soni said that Meitha’s poems were very personal, simple, but full of meanings and nuances. Well, I couldn’t make any judgement or review about the content of “Mesin Waktu” because I don’t have a literature background and I’m not a valid and reliable person to make any assessment about poetry.
What I could do was just trying to produce a still-life photography about this book. This poems anthology related with ‘time’ so I configured its visual with “time-related” accessories. I used a clock and a calendar (which then I made some cuts of the calendar) and I set them on a multi/still-life table. I used a variety set of lighting by using 2 softboxes and a halogen lamp. (Zakaria Lantang)

1 komentar:

  1. masasatusaatterciptauntukmenyelesaikan satusaat masaterlajumengatrasiwakturuangmasazamanterciptadizaman ini kerana ia adalah helah tuhan rasul mengakhiri hidup ini yang dicipta oleh malaikat pencipta
